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[Paris] Weekend in Paris

 First day 


underground of musee du Louvre 

Night view of Notre dam in Cite island

 Second day 

In the exhibition of "Grand Tasting Paris" 

one of My favourite wines "Chateau Brane-Cantenac"

Even the monsieur at the booth was very kind!

Galerie Lafayette 


 The most famous place of Da Vinci Code

'Le voyage' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Toulouse] My favourite painter is Renoir forever 13/NOV  (0) 2016.12.04
[Toulouse] Lunch and dinner 12/NOV  (0) 2016.12.04
[Toulouse] Aeroscopia 12/NOV  (0) 2016.11.29
[Toulouse] Ville rose 11/NOV  (0) 2016.11.29